Band Staff
Michelle Daniels - Director of Operations
Hello. It has been an honor and privilege to work for my home community,I've been with the Nation since April 2013 and Director of Operations since May of 2015. I am driven to reachingmany more of our achievements and milestones set out by our entire team!
We serve you to fulfil our vision of creating healthy families and individuals and becoming a healthy,prosperous community. We work on progressing our accountability and transparency through various forms of communication. We work towards revitalizing our Nakoda/Cree heritage by providing opportunity for cultural implementation. I believe Culture saves lives and accommodating the learning of Culture in all ages contributes to our Indigenousness, holisticness and wellbeing.
I am proud to lead by example by choosing a drug and alcohol-free lifestyle. I sew, bead and I also am a powwow dancer, I enjoy making memories by being active with my children in family activities and cultural ceremony.
Thank you.
Michelle Daniels
Director of Operations
direct line: 306-937-2879
Donna Angus, B Mgt. CAFM - Director of Finance
Tansi, I began working for the nation in June 2014. My motivation is having a genuine interest in seeing the community and people thrive. It is challenging and a huge undertaking, I enjoy being a team player for the best outcomes for the people that are done in an innovative ways though capacity development, team building and community strategic planning while maintaining the community traditions and values. My hobbies and interests are to research local & ancestral history, home improvements, travel, gardening, beading, and maintaining cultural and traditional values.
Kari Checkosis – Director of Education
Kari Wuttunee – Director of Health
Elaine N. Moosomin – Office Administration Manager
Umba Waste, ekwah Tansi! I became an employee of MGBHLM in September of 2023. I have been part of this community for 40 years and love the values and togetherness of our commuity. I am working with the Social Programs and ensuring that all programs are utilized as per the funding agreements. As an employee of MGBHLM, I ensure that I am safekeeping the assets of the Nation. This means I work by what the Policy states, be Income Assistance, Prevention, Jordan's Principle or Band Member Assistance. By following the policies, I am fair with everyone and all are treated the same.
I am a lifelong learner and my hobbies are reading, attending our ceremonies and of course singing with my family.
Denise Spyglass – Prevention Manager
my name is Denise Lynne Spyglass, and I was the Human Resources Manager from October 21, 2019, to November 24, 2022. On November 25th, 2022, Chief and Council decided to put my many years of experience as a Social Worker to good use. As of Nov 25th, 2022, I have been the new Prevention Worker.
Since starting my new position, I have been planning out what will be the best way to roll out this new Prevention Program. I will rely on Chief and Council for direction, updates and recommendations. I will be also seeking out community support and to find out from our community members on how you would like to see this program run.
Mosquito Grizzly Bear’s Head Lean Man First Nation Chief and Council is dedicated to keeping our children in our community and I love that! We believe that we are the best providers for our own children, they are our future.
We are growing and want our children to be part of our community! There are so many benefits of to helping our children stay and growing up in our community! This is an exciting time, and we neeed you input in order to make a difference!
We have had two Workshops in our Community this past year to help explain our program and based on the questionnaires completed the Prevention Program will address those concerns that we are able to assist with.
This is exciting! Come join us and help build our community, our future, and the future of our children!
Exciting opportunities lay ahead!
Milton Oxebin – Housing Manager
Quincy Littlewolfe – Public Works Manager
Michele Wuttunee – Acting Human Resources Manager
I started with the Nation in late September on the 27th of 2021. I love my community and everything my job has done for me. Keep it up MGBHLM. I enjoy spending time with my children, I also enjoy the outdoors. I also love to write in my journal.
Vinny Wahobin – Public Works assistant Manager
Sonia Gardipie – Land Manager
TBD – Executive Assistant
Charmaine Starchief – Human Resources Assistant
Brenda Mosquito – Language Nest Coordinator
ába waste, ma chezha Brenda Mosquito, nambe ƈimnuzinkt.
tânisi miyo kîsikâw, Brenda Mosquito, nitsîhkâson, kitatahmiskâtinâwaw.
Good day, Brenda Mosquito, is my name, I greet you all. I have been working with the Language Recovery Steering Committee, as the Language Nest Coordinator. Our aim is to develop a plan, create resources, and provide Language sessions to enhance the community’s vision in Language Revitalization. The Community Vision Statement states.
“MGBHLM is Nakoda/Cree community with roots in tradition, honour, and accountability. As a community, we will support each other to reach our full potential, as healthy and prosperous individuals, families, and community achieving self-sufficiency.”
We invite you to share any ideas that you may have to help promote the use of Culture and Language in our community, you can find us at the school on Tuesdays from 4 to 6, or at the admin building on the nation.
thank you.
Evangeline Petawabano – Community Intake Worker
Travis Jr. Spyglass – Buffalo Paddocks Coordinator
Ferlin Spyglass – Buffalo Paddocks Worker
Darcy Stone – Fleet Coordinator
Amanda Gopher – Income Assistance Administrator
My name is Amanda Gopher, I am a Mompreneur and author from Saulteaux First Nation. I am the Income Assistance Administrator for MGBHLMFN. I love being part of a community that is strong and the community members are so welcoming. I love working with clients, reconnecting with clients and helping the community members of MGBHLMFN. It has always been a passion of mine to work in a community so I can utilize my Mental Health experience and provide assistance when it is needed.
“Be the change that you want to see in the world!”
Crystal Moccasin – Income Asssistance Clerk
Hi there, I am from Saulteaux First Nation and I am the new Finance Clerk for the Social Development department in the MGBHLM community. So far I'm enjoying the positive atmosphere, my coworkers and meeting our clients. It's nice to see the various events involving the entire community and bringing people together, its nice to see good things happening in my neighbouring community. Keep it up.
Shahean Moosomin – Sports & Recreation Co-ordinator
Erin Stone – Finance/Payroll Clerk

Nikeda Stone- Skills Link Housing Clerk
I started working with the nation in June of 2021 and hope to continue. I’ve always wanted to work for the nation, sharing my knowledge that was provided to me while taking the Business program. I recently started learning how to sew and bead, I also like to do anything to keep my daughter occupied; from movies, crafting to playing outdoors.
p. 306-937-9108 | f. 306-937-3678 | email
Jacqueline Pahsaknunk - Post-secondary Coordinator
Tansi, My name is Jacqueline Pahsaknunk. Since 2000 I have been on a journey with my career path, I had graduated from Cando in 2005, then started academic upgrading at Great Plains College 2008, took an Entrepreneurship Business Application from Academy of Learning 2010, then in 2012 I went to the University of Saskatchewan (ITEP) for a year and I applied for the position of the National Child Benefit Reinvestment Coordinator on the Nation in 2013.
In 2017 I applied to the LFD(SITAG) and 2019 I applied and got the job to administer the Post-Secondary Student Support Program.
I have been employed for 10 years, I serve the communites needs to the best of my ability, I love to see success and assist in any way I can so everyone can be fincally set as their families grow over the years.
I am back into my culture, I attended Maple Creek Sundance and recieved my native name, it is Newyak Kahotopit Peysis Iskewew-(4 directions Thunderbird Woman) which is an honour to have, this is yearly.
I also sit on the MGBHLM Pow Wow Committee as a Princess Pageant Coordiinator. I Sweat, it is to cleance my soul, I pick Sweetgrass and Sage.
My Culture is my healing as I age, I am also a Grandmother to my oldest son's 3 kids, and also to my sister and brothers children which I love dearly.
Glenda Bird - Commnuity Navigator